Tainio Biologicals
In our current farming practices throughout Hotchkiss, Delta, Crawford, and Paonia, CO, we sometimes destroy or reduce our beneficial soil bacteria and fungi by tilling for example, which exposes these organisms to the sun and elements. We can reintroduce biological components back into the soil.
We utilize Tainio Biological products to reinvest in the biological structure of soil, to reinvigorate its ability to be sustaining. This industry-leading brand offers a myriad of products including inoculants, compost digesters, foliar fertilizers, enzymes and bioremediation mixtures. Find out more information about the full line of Tainio Biological products.
Tainio is a family-run business established in 1985 by Bruce Tainio. For almost thirty years they have successfully helped growers throughout the United States and the world to produce healthy, high-yielding crops.
AgriEnergy Solutions
D R Fish Fertilizer Company relies on two incredibly powerful and effective resources from AgriEnergy, designed to enhance microbial action within soil and bolster the presence of critical vitamins and minerals. These products are ideal for biological, organic and conventional farming alike, with proven superior yield results. Learn more about AgriEnergy products and bulk fertilizers.
- MVP is an additional biological resource for root growth & enhancement: View more information on MVP.
- SP-1 is a liquid product that is a blend of microbial products formulated to supply the greatest diversity of bacteria, fungi, algae, enzymes, carbon substrates, vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help support the growth of microbial life. View more information on SP-1.
- Residuce is an organic water-soluble, biological product. When used with some of the products below, such as 1.6 OZ of Residuce per acre, with Drammatic ONE fish and SP-1, a nitrogen source and Humate, residue will break down biologically. This builds organic matter from residue and utilizes more of trace minerals for next year’s crop. One pound of Residuce bacteria will cover 10 acres. They also improve “Crop Residue Management” by providing bacteria, fungi, amino acids, enzymes, minerals, trace elements to build organic matter. This product is designed to be used on crops that have high amounts of residue after harvest. Studies have shown that when 70 bushels of wheat is produced, the straw residue contains 45lbs of nitrogen, 22lbs of phosphate, 110lbs of potassium, and 500lbs of calcium. So why not utilize this already-paid-for-residue to nourish next year’s crop? Find out more about Residuce.
Biomin is a liquid mineral for soil & foliar applications. Many of my customers have found the Biomin products help them address the minor mineral deficiencies in their fields through the irrigation season and, as a rescue for deficiencies in orchards, grapes, hops, industrial hemp etc.
When a deficiency is noticed in the orchard, for example, the liquid mineral can be applied through foliar application, usually ounces per acre, with other biological needs several times per growing season.
For more information about Biomin, visit the AgriEnergy website.
Bulk fertilizer and soil amendments
We offer a bevy of different soil amendment products, as well as proven organic soil fertilizer in Colorado, to help you culture your soil for optimal yield results. Some of our bulk fertilizer products include:
- 15-0-2 Allganic Nitrogen: A natural nitrate of soda (Chilean nitrate) DRY Prills. OMRI listed. Check with your organic certifier before use.
- Drammatic “One” 4-4-.5: Contains pure liquid fish hydrolysate stabilized with phosphoric acid, three species of kelp, Drammatic Energizer composed of humic and fulvic acids, and Chilean nitrate.
Visit Dramm Corporation for more information or view our Dramm Vegetable Application Guidelines.
- Micromate (Humates): An all-natural stimulator for growth and development of plants, designed by Mesa Verde Resources. Humates provides humic/fulvic acids, plus the important humin (carbon) faction. Learn more at Humates.com.
To learn more about the many types of soil amendments and organic soil fertilizer in Colorado we’re pleased to offer, contact us today at 970-872-4660.

D R Fish Fertilizer products are Certified Organic or NOP listed
To our knowledge, we are the only bulk Certified Organic, NOP organic soil fertilizer distributor in the Western Slope of Colorado!
How did we get started?
Our neighbors looked over the fence at our hay the first year we applied Liquid Fish and immediately wanted the same stuff for their fields! Most of our new customers each year are the next door neighbors or friends of our old customers.
- Greenhouse growers
- Landscape gardeners
- Asparagus farmers
- Hay farmers
- Orchardists and viticulturists
- Commercial veggie growers
- Hops growers
Most of our customers are located within several hundred miles. They bring their own containers (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and don’t have to pay shipping costs and handling fees!

Paca PoodiniThe Alpaca is a natural composter with a digestive system consisting of three stomachs. Paca Poodini™ can be placed directly on and around even your most delicate plants. Paca Poodini™ will not burn your plants, it continuously feeds the plants.Paca Poodini™ makes a unique gift for both avid and novice gardeners.
Paca Poodini™ can be used on outdoor and indoor plants, it is virtually odorless.
To order, email Akuna Matada at [email protected].